Monday, November 10, 2008


Anyones family just really drive them crazy? My mom really annoys me, always has probably always will. She says her medication makes her forgetful, I don't really care it still annoys me that I have a convo with her 1 day only to have to repeat myself (sometimes several times) the next day. I know kinda petty, but if your mother never seemed to remember anything you tell her you'd get annoyed too.

She keeps asking me about Thanksgiving. See my family lives 2hrs away and with work I haven't been down since summer. But everytime she talks to me she asks if I'm coming down or not. I have to tell her AGAIN that my schedule isn't out until this wk!! So then she asks about the wkend after, Again I have to tell her it's my wkend to work.

I am excited to see the family and hope I get Thanksgiving off. Mostly I want to see my baby niece. She's only 9mo old and she's this close to walking already! Plus I love to eat, and 1 thing my family does well is cook and EAT! But I've figured out on the calendar that IF this cycle doesn't work, I'd be Oing around Thanksgiving! And using Fresh I would have to skip this cycle. I'm almost not willing to miss out. So I'm undecided, maybe I'll place an order and lug it along to my mothers (not fun), maybe I'll make up an excuse and not even go! Guess we'll just have to see. Maybe this will just be my month and I'll finally get a BFP to stick!! A girl can dream can't she?

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