Tuesday, March 31, 2009

count down

I'm not ready to start counting down this pg just yet. I'm taking baby steps b/c I still have lots of worry about m/c. So for now I'm counting down until April 6th, my first ultrasound to see the sac. I think after this innitial apt I'll start to feel a little more confident since that would be the longest I've made it in a pregnancy.

6 days to go

Monday, March 30, 2009

Update on me

So I'm at 18dpo today. Still no real symptoms. Basically my nipples are more sensitive, and I've been waking up early to pee and then can't go back to sleep. That last 1 is sooo not me, I hate early mornings and love to sleep in. With my history of early m/c having no symptoms is very hard not to freak out and worry all the time. I'm just trying to enjoy this and not stress. I need to call Dr office this am to schedule my ultrasound on the 6th. I'm so super nervous about seeing more than 1 in there. I keep thinking: twins would be ok, I could deal with that; but the thought of triplets about sends me over the edge! Totally freaks me out. So this first scan will help ease my mind a little.

The 1 thing that has me really stressed is that tomorrow my step-daughter gets out of jail again. This time she's been in just shy of 3months. Since I wrote a very to the point letter about her stealing and us not agreeing with that, she hasn't wrote us back. She did call on our Anniversary, I wasn't home to speak with her but DH did and it's so hard to know if she's telling you the truth or not. She might be moving in with some chick she met in jail and supposedly watching her kids! But again that's what she did last time and her and the lady ran around and stole from everyone. And I figure anyone she's hooking up with in jail is probably not the best influence. But the main reason I'm stressed is that you can trust her as far as you can throw her! It's back to locking everything up again: the shed, house, DS four wheeler, cars; everything. And if she comes to visit you practically have to pat her down everytime she leaves a room to see what she's stuffed in her pockets. She's to go back to court on the 10th, we'll see if she goes. More often than not she chooses to run until she's caught, that way she can "have fun" until then. The girl's pretty messed up and I just keeping 1 day she'll "grow up" and change the course of her life, but as more and more time goes by I realize that might never happen.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Beta results

Ok so Tuesday beta: 33, today: 99. It tripled in 72 hours. I will have an ultrasound in 10 days. Dr says by then he can see a sac. Also important to remember is that 3 follies ruptured so hopefully we can see how many are in there! I still have no real symptoms, that makes it a little harder to believe. I'm now just trying to sit back, take a deep breath and try to get that sure feeling I had before. I'm hopful the prog is doing it's job and that this little bean will stick.

Waiting, waiting, waiting

i really hate to wait. I go in for repeat beta today and will have to wait about 4hrs. But I'll be at work and I can't check my messages until my break. If results aren't in at 1:30 at my first break then I'll have to wait until 4!! :( I won't be able to post the #'s until I get home after 8pm.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Different Test

and it still reads PREGNANT!!!! I bought the ept digital last night and used it first thing this am. According to peeonastick these tests are to be LESS sensitive, reading 50mIU instead of the typical 25. I figure my beta of 33 by now would have doubled therefore giving me the + test. That hopefully proves that it wasn't the shot still in my system on Tuesday. I'm still in shock and not quite beliving it yet. Not until I get tomorrows results confirming beta went up! And then for the next couple of weeks worrying that it won't stick. I've never gotten past the 6wk mark so I won't completly relax for awhile.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Just a feeling

It's hard to explain but the cycle of my BFP in October (early m/c) from very early on in cycle "I just knew it would work" I can't explain why, I just had this feeling. Even on 10dpo when I woke up with cramps, bloating and upset stomach; all signs of AF and with a Negative pg test I still just had this feeling. Every day I tested and it was negative but I just had a feeling, with no pg symptoms. Finally on 13dpo the test was Positive, just like I knew it would be.

Well even though that cycle didn't work out for us, I've stayed positive. This cycle I've had the same feeling. Perhaps it's just that I trust the Dr so much, but I haven't stressed or overanalyzed everything it's been the most relaxing cycle yet. With the way my cycle lined up with our anniversary and Dh's bday, I just knew we should go ahead with Dr ast. We were going to try 1 last month at home, but something was telling me to go with the Dr. And so at very last minute we arranged for the AI, and I've just had a positive feeling ever since.

So I went ahead and tested yesterday, and when it came back positive I was on the moon. Now this limbo time until Friday's repeat test is driving me bonkers! I still have that feeling but I'm doubting myself. The thing I hate the most is having hope about something, "getting that thing" and then having it taken away. I'm much better with just hoping and wishing, and if it happens it happens but I'm not crushed. Does that make sense? So until Friday ladies. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Quick question

Anyone know how long a hcg trigger shot stays in your system? I'm 12dpo and wondering if it would still affect a pg test. I didn't test earlier to see if it went from positive back to negative, wishing I would have now.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

9dop and counting

I am still really positive about this cycle, perhaps it's the fact that a Dr did it, but I've been non-obsessive about signs and symptoms. And that has helped with stress along the way. There are a couple friends that know we are doing this, and the close ones know that there were 3 eggs at the time and boy do they keep harrassing us about having triplets!! Which I don't mind, I just keep thinking what if they jinx us and I DO have triplets. What in the world would we do? When I get dinner ready DH and I will joke that I have to feed the triplets and such. I think I've given DH more gray hairs this month. lol Poor fella he's taking it so well.

I'm thinking wednesday will be my test day. That will be 13dpo which is when I got BFP last time and if it's neg I'll feel that that's an accurate result and I can "move on" to next cycle.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

CD 6

No symptoms to report. I'm experiencing some slight side effects from the progesterone: sleepiness and leg cramps. Luckily the cramps aren't that bad, just every once in awhile. CD 12 would be Tuesday-my day off so I'm hoping that I'll get my BFP that day. That would be the day AF would typically show, but as we know she won't be visiting again for awhile right!!! A girl's got to stay positive.

Yesterday was an awful day for me. I woke up around 4am with awful stomach cramps, bloating and then the diarreah started. I didn't have much in the way of meds, I finally found some tums and immodeum ad. I did hurl once and then started to feel better. I felt well enough to go to work, luckily I don't have to be there until 11:30 so had enough time to recuperate. Although it was tough, I struggled through work; I was so tired while still having some stomach cramping.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Officially in the TWW

Ok so yesterday AI went great. We had it done around 2pm, so 28 hours after trigger shot. I felt strong O pains all day with the most last night. I'm thinking I O'd around 11 pm or so. Today I went into Dr's for 1 last ultrasound to confirm O and sure enough all 3 follies ruptured!!!!! Triplets, wouldn't that be a hoot. Anyways he prescribed progesterone vag starting tomorrow. If no AF by day 15 come in for pg test. I keep telling him "first times the charm dr". I just feel lucky this month, I mean the way O time fell around my anniversary, dh bday and I managed to get 4 days off so no stress around AI time. I'm feeling pretty positive.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


That will be the date of my first ever (and hopefully only) Dr ast AI!!!! Today I had a scan that showed 3 follicles near ready, so I was given the trigger shot. AI is scheduled for 1pm followed by a scan on friday to confirm O. I'm so excited. And get this his Dr fee is only $140, which we are not sending to insurance so that no red flags are put up. I'm still waiting to see if insurance will pick up the cost of the ultrasounds or not. I'm thinking they will be covered but it takes about 3wk she said to hear back from them.

Oh and did I mention today is my anniversary? And friday is DH's bday-37 yikes he's getting old. We met when I was 19 and he 24, boy has time flown. Anyways I just think this is the best present yet and we plan on relaxing and maybe going to casino for the night to get away.

Monday, March 9, 2009

All set and ready to go

First thing this Am I was able to call NW and change my order with no problem, and no additional fees. I then called Dr office to make sure that with my last minute decision all was in order. On wed he'll do a ultrasound and possibly give me the trigger shot if I'm ready and then be all se to make a baby come thursday!!!!! I'm so nervous, excited and scared all rolled into one.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Change of Plans?

Ok so I was all set to do 1 last at home AI. I felt good about that with the added meds and monitoring from Dr to help with timing. That is until DH asked "why not just have him do it that way you know it's done right?" Well gee I don't know. So it got me to thinking. At the last minute my work schedule has opened up so I have 4 days off that conincides with my O window! Maybe it's a sign that all is lining up and I should have the Dr do the AI?? Looks like first thing Monday morn I will be calling NW and seeing if it's too late to change my order. I don't think it ships out til tuesday so I "should" have time. If I'm able to do that then I'll give the Dr a call and make the arrangements. I'm already set for an Ultrasound on Wed to check on follies and I figure that I should O thursday/friday unless the Clomid messed me up.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Meds on their way

So my trigger shot has been ordered. The Dr called it into some mail order company, I've never done that before but what ever works. Before insurance it's $45, but I'm hoping insurance covers at least part of that. With the Clomid it only paid $5, so it was $25 for me. Any way that should be here Monday, Ultrasound on Wednesday and we'll see if I'm ready for the shot or not. I'm hoping I'm ready by then since I have Thursday and Friday off so that would help with the insems and stress on timing.

Update: clomid has been giving me mild headaches, not a big deal. Well last night was the first time that I experienced the dreaded "over heating". I was so hot last night I thought about turning on the fan, but in the end I simply stripped down and was able to eventually fall asleep. 2 more days of clomid; grow eggies, grow.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Dr apt the other day was pretty routine. Ultrasound (lovely vag kind) to look at uterus and ovaries. I'm taking clomid cd4-9 and I'm to come back on the 11th which will be CD12. I typically O on day 14/15 so it will be interesting how this affects me. No real side effects so far. First 2 days I had a mild headache smack dap in the middle of my forehead but that has gotten better. I should be getting the trigger shot by mail soon and I'm to bring that in case he decides I'm ready for it. I've decided to do this 1 last month at home with frozen and possibly from my fresh donor too. If this month is a bust then I'll move onto him doing the AI. I'm hopeful so keep your fingers crossed.

Side note: it's snowing again! It's been so nice here the last couple of days, but I kinda knew better. I mean it is N Idaho and I don't believe winter is over quite yet.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

cd3 testing

I'm headed to Dr's today for more tests. Today is actually cd4 but since they couldn't get me in yesterday then I was told today would still work. He should have results from all the other tests and I'm assuming there's no problem since I didn't get a call back. Other than that all is well (for now) in my crazy life. Hope everyone else in blog land is having a good day.