Saturday, March 21, 2009

9dop and counting

I am still really positive about this cycle, perhaps it's the fact that a Dr did it, but I've been non-obsessive about signs and symptoms. And that has helped with stress along the way. There are a couple friends that know we are doing this, and the close ones know that there were 3 eggs at the time and boy do they keep harrassing us about having triplets!! Which I don't mind, I just keep thinking what if they jinx us and I DO have triplets. What in the world would we do? When I get dinner ready DH and I will joke that I have to feed the triplets and such. I think I've given DH more gray hairs this month. lol Poor fella he's taking it so well.

I'm thinking wednesday will be my test day. That will be 13dpo which is when I got BFP last time and if it's neg I'll feel that that's an accurate result and I can "move on" to next cycle.


Tina said...

I dont know how you arent peeing on those little sticks yet??? I would be but then again I dont have any self control at all....:) I hope to hear great news soon..

twondra said...

Hope to hear of your BFP soon. :)