Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My poor DH

I called him yesterday on 1 of my work breaks and he tells me he hit the windshield. What! He drives Dump Truck and he was dumping a load and the piston (the thing that pushes the truck bed up) broke!! and it flew forward, smashed the back of cab and he flew first up to hit the roof and then forward and hit the windshield!! Of course I was concerned but he's such a toughy that he blew it off, that he was fine. Well he was OK, but dazzed. He's typically worked as a Logger his whole life and he's been hurt pretty bad and still went on to work full day. So this, with no blood, was nothing. If anyone caught the show "Axemen", that is exactly what he's been through but worse since he's done Logging mostly without the big equipment, so he's the one running around doing all the work.

1 comment:

twondra said...

Oh my gosh! How scary! Glad he's okay