Sunday, October 26, 2008

Change of Plans?? Maybe

Well I know that I originally said I wasn't going to AI, but I may be having a change of heart. I saw my donor today and told him about pg and mc. He was bummed. His plans have changed and he may be in town wkend of O time. Sooo I'm thinking about going ahead with AI. I just can't get past this feeling of positive attitude. I mean to be so down early this wk, to bounce back and feel like I should do it, I feel that I should go with my gut. Plus everyone says you're super fertile after mc and I keep having this feeling like What IF I am super fertile and don't I'll have missed my chance. Maybe it's just the total over powering ttc feeling we all get, but I have to go for it. If cycle stays on course and isn't messed up by mc, then O time should be around Halloween or that wkend.


twondra said...

I would, too, if he'll be there...why not? :) Good luck sweetie!!

2momswithaplan said...

Good Luck! We were going to skip out last cycle and I'm so happy we didn't! You have to go with your gut. I hope this gives you your BFP.