Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My plan

After my mc I just can't see myself AI'ing until I have more answers and am under Dr care so hopefully this doesn't happen again. So here goes:Will try my hardest to live a healthier life: eat healthier, be more active, drink 64oz daily of water, get plenty of sleep.

Continue taking pre-natal vits, B-6 to help lengthen my 24day cycles. I think I have low Iron so will Add Molasses to anything and everything I can. This is what my mom fed me as a toddler to help my anemia.

Adding Flax Seed (once I find some) this is said to fight cancer, increase progesterone and reduce allergies, plus it aids in digestion of food. It helps improve bowel regularity, vitality of skin, hair and nails.

I just ordered Fertilitea Fertility tea from babyhopes.com it has Vitex, red raspberry leaf, green tea, ladies mantle, nettle leaf and peppermint. All these ingredients are recommended in "Essential guide to Lesbian conception" as a daily drink to balance hormones.

I bought Pro-gest prog cream at GNC for my spotting, but was too late with mc. I haven't decided if I will use this now or wait to see if tea is working.

Now until Jan 1 I am going to research my insurance to find exactly what they will/won't cover for fertility/infertility. I'm hoping since I work at the hospital they have good coverage for everything.

Oh and I will work on paying off Credit Card debt. This will reduce stress and improve mood.That's the plan anyway. As it changes I will update.


onemorebaby said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! It looks great!

I am so sorry to hear of your m/c. Sadly, I know how you feel. It is an awful and unfair thing to have to go through. My heart goes out to you.

I have found blogging to be very theraputic, and fun, too!


2momswithaplan said...

Sounds like a great plan! Good Luck!!