Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's been forever

since I posted!! Shame on me. I have a good excuse though: ever since driving down to my mom's to pick up my son my back has been killing me! Last Monday I wanted to cry at work it hurt so bad. I work with a bunch of great people though and they knew immediately something was up with me and once I told them they helped me with my work load. I had the impossible task of finding a Good Chiropractor. I was spoiled where I lived before, I had the best one and now I compare everyone to him. I found one I'm comfortable with and he does help my back (some) but I just keeping thinking Dr. *** didn't do it that way, or Dr.*** would have my back better by now. See where I'm going with this. I almost want to try a different Dr. but then again I don't.

Also my step-daughter is Back in JAIL! She made it a whopping 3 wks before getting sent back. Now her probation will be revoked for sure, she has 5-6 months left to serve in jail for that. And now she has a Grand Theft charge!!! For what I don't know. Her probation officer is for her juvinile case and didn't have any info for the new adult charges. When I hint at this girls issues, I mean she's a compulsive liar, has no problem stealing the clothes off your back, into drugs, loves to drink till she blacks out and has mental issues to boot. She was offered counseling to deal with some of her issues but I don't believe she took it too serious. For those 3 weeks we totally did the tough love thing. It was so hard knowing she was out in the cold with basically no real place to go. But at the same time I wasn't willing to let her into our home to lie to us and rob us blind. I really don't know what to do for her at this point. She should have many more charges from her illegal activities during the summer. So she'll either learn her lesson and not want to ever go back to prison or she'll come out even worse than before!

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