Friday, December 19, 2008

It's been awhile

Since I posted but there's been a lot going on. First off we've had major issues with my step-daughter. I won't go into much detail tonight since I'm too tired, but lets just say she messed up big time and isn't really welcome at our house right now! We've also had a MAJOR snow storm here. We set a new record for most snow fall in a 24 hr period-25inches I believe. At our house we have about 30 inches!!! But it was the nice fluffy, dry kind so don't have to worry too much right now about shoveling off our roof. And just in the nick of time we bought another Dodge truck, this one is older to add a plow to. So DH got the plow on and has been out plowing roads for the last 2 days. Around here that can add up to big money. I say "Let it snow, let it snow" that way we can pay for that truck! lol

I'm super tired tonight and plan on going to bed early. I luckily have this weekend off to finish up my Christmas shopping, gift wrapping and More shoveling.

Oh and not sure if I posted early that AF came right on time, just like I suspected it would. Oh well I felt that it wouldn't be my month. Not planning on trying this month since it will be right on xmas, and this time of year is stressful enough without throwing that into the mix too. To all those that are trying this month, Good Luck.

1 comment:

twondra said...

I'm sooo sorry about this month. (((HUGS))) I hope you have a great Christmas!!