Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Just a little misunderstanding

Thank you all for your words of support. No my Thanksgiving wasn't the best all b/c my dh and I had a small misunderstanding. Here's a little history:
my dh and I have been together 12 yrs! And for the majority of those years when he would get upset he becomes quiet and doesn't want to talk about it. So the first couple years or so when this would happen I would repeatedly ask him "what's wrong" but that wouldn't get me anywhere. And so I gave up asking him, and have since left him alone and after a day or so life seems to go on. Well for some reason this time he was upset that I DIDN'T ask him what was wrong! He thought that it meant I didn't care. I tried explaining to him (again why I didn't ask him and once he understood that than we talked about what upset him and I agreed that NEXT time (and I'm sure there will be a next time lol) I would ask him and we would talk about it.


2momswithaplan said...

A relationship therapist once told me that in every relationship there is a turtle and an octopus. The turtle will hide in their shell when something is wrong and the octopus is constantly trying to pull that turtle out of their shell to confront the issue. In my relationship, I'm the octopus and Holly is the turtle. We have the understanding that if something is wrong, I will usually say, "I'm going to give you 20 minutes to calm down and then we can talk." For some reason, the more I try to pull her out of her shell, the more she goes in.

I'm happy you two worked it out and the misunderstanding is resolved. Lord knows Holly and I have had many of those!!!

Tina said...

$2.50 each thank you for your comments...:)

Anonymous said...

wow that's good.