Saturday, November 15, 2008

Just want to say "What the Heck"

My son has Never had so many Dr trips in 1 period as he has this year!! Awhile back he had Pinkeye. His first ever case with that. He had his trip to the ER last week and now he has impetigo!! It's a form of staph infection. Yikes. He has 2 mysterious, one on his ear and one on his scalp. They started out as red bumps, I thought he'd just hit his ear on something and forgot all about them. Until Thursday night I saw that they were both oozing fluid! Yuck, well I cleaned them up with peroxide and put salve on them. Finally got in with Dr Friday evening and Dr barely glanced at them and proclaimed- Impetigo. And he must be a little concerned b/c pharmacist said he was prescribed a heavy dose of meds. Dr said if it doesn't look like it's getting better by Monday to come back. So we wait and see and luckily the medicine doesn't taste bad or I would have trouble getting the 2tsp 3x daily down his throat. lol Will keep you all updated.


twondra said... sure have been through it. I hope he feels better

2momswithaplan said...

Ugh... I hope your son feels better soon and he won't need another trip to the doctors.