Sunday, November 30, 2008

So So Thanksgiving

This was not one of my best Holidays, which is sad b/c I LOVE Thanksgiving. Wednesday I send DS to my mom's house, and Wed night we had some friends over. But Thursday I had to work and by Friday me and DH were having a misunderstanding so even though I cooked a good dinner, dressed up nice and had friends over it was really just a bummer of a day! Timing this month for AI wasn't the best due to Holiday and both mine and donors schedule. We AI'ed late Wed night but pretty sure I didn't O until mid-morning on Saturday. So with timing not the best and a general yucky mood I'm not holding out much hope for this cycle. And if this IS a BFN, then O time will be around x-mas; if that holds true then I will NOT be trying in December. Which I'm OK with b/c I truely dislike christmas time.

DS comes home today. It was a nice reprieve from the constraints of children. By that I mean, I could just pick up and go, I could have a cold beer and not feel guilty, I could have a little more freedom. Don't get me wrong; it was nice, but I missed him terribly.

What I'm thankful for today is that even though it snowed it didn't stick around too long!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

clothes shopping

So Saturday I went clothes shoppin! I haven't bought clothes in a long time an I was super excited b/c I'm in a smaller size! Yah. I spent a small fortune but felt so good I didn't really care. I'm in Love w/Maurice's, and the customer service was great. the sales girl was awesome, she ran around that whole store and found every Long pant there was, in 2 diff sizes even since I've lost a little and not sure what size fits best. I bought 3 pants, 3 shirts and 1 sweater. there were several other sweaters I wanted but had to resist since as mentioned before the total was already at a small fortune. told dh that for xmas a gift card there would be perfect.

****thankful for the sun shinning today!******

Friday, November 21, 2008

Paying off Debt

A little history here, last year a week before Christmas my DH was laid off from work! I wasn't working and it put us in a terrible bind. I had a little cash, but not much. He got a whopping $220/wk unemployment and he made a little under the table in cash. But basically for 4 months we scrimped and lived off of our credit cards and tax return. Unfortunately that put roughly $8000 on our credit cards, plus 1 already had almost $4000 on it. Now I know $12,000 in cc debt is not much for some, but those cards were almost paid off last year and it's been driving me crazy to have that much debt. So for a couple of months now I've been paying A LOT extra on 1 card in the hopes of paying that 1 off and paying a little extra on the the other 2. I figure I'm working now so there's extra money right there, plus we've been blessed with a fresh donor since summer and I've been able to put what I normally would be spending on sperm towards my debt! So yesterday I calculated what I need to pay every month towards the 1 to pay it off in 6 months! I'm excited and hope that I will be able to continue with this plan.

I know this is a tough time for most people, but anyone else able to pay off debt?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Shipping my son

off to Grandma's house for Thanksgiving. I have to work and am cooking a dinner on Friday but when I asked DS if he wanted to stay home with me and dad or go to grandma's house well of course I lost out. It was to be expected. He has a lot of fun down there and it's the only time to see some of the family. So looks like he'll go down Wed and then be picked up Sunday. I guess it will be a nice break for me and DH.

**What I am thankful for today-a good job in this uncertain economy!**

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What I'm thankful for

I am thankful for many things and in an effort to narrow it down to just 1 a day: I will start with that I am thankful for my DH. Even though we don't always see eye to eye, and we are complete opposites I love him and know that he loves me. After 12 years together we many ups and downs we're still going strong and know that we will be together forever.

Update: my son is doing better! He's still on meds but is improving nicely. I took him back to Dr yesterday b/c I was unsure, but Dr said he was ok to return to school. Bad of me I know I didn't tell the school what he had. Dr said as long as the 1 sore was covered and he left it alone he wouldn't be any more contagious than the next kid. I was glad to hear that b/c I don't have anyone to watch him while I work.

Oh & on a sad note AF started Sunday! :( I kinda knew from the start that I wouldn't be lucky this month. I am undecided if I'll try this next cycle. I should be Oing around thanksgiving or that wkend and I have to work. So I will let you know how it goes.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Just want to say "What the Heck"

My son has Never had so many Dr trips in 1 period as he has this year!! Awhile back he had Pinkeye. His first ever case with that. He had his trip to the ER last week and now he has impetigo!! It's a form of staph infection. Yikes. He has 2 mysterious, one on his ear and one on his scalp. They started out as red bumps, I thought he'd just hit his ear on something and forgot all about them. Until Thursday night I saw that they were both oozing fluid! Yuck, well I cleaned them up with peroxide and put salve on them. Finally got in with Dr Friday evening and Dr barely glanced at them and proclaimed- Impetigo. And he must be a little concerned b/c pharmacist said he was prescribed a heavy dose of meds. Dr said if it doesn't look like it's getting better by Monday to come back. So we wait and see and luckily the medicine doesn't taste bad or I would have trouble getting the 2tsp 3x daily down his throat. lol Will keep you all updated.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Just feel like crying

It's just one of those days. I'm miserable, getting sicker; now along with my snotty nose I'm getting a dry cough and snot is turning green again!! (Sorry if TMI) And to top it all off I'm sure that AF is coming to see me tomorrow. Right on Time. That means that all the things I've done this cycle didn't even postpone her 1/2day!! I feel so defeated, which isn't like me. I'm the glass is half full kinda person, but just not today. Nothing seems to be working out. Maybe it was my attitude this whole month, kinda neg from the start. I just couldn't let my hopes get up again only to have disappointment. But what I got was a shitty attitude for a month WITH the disappointment. This was only my 4th try with fresh, 4th month in a row of ttc. I just don't know how many of you do this month after month after month with no results. I don't see myself being able to do that. Sure I would try a couple of months, but then would have to have a break before going again. Wishing I could curl up on the couch with a good book and doze off and on all day, but of course I know that won't happen b/c I have soo much to do on my day off!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Drinking my Water

I posted once before that I was trying to drink all my daily water and eat healthier. Well, I've stuck with drinking water but that healthy eating part is gonna have to wait. LOL Before I was never a water drinker. Hated the taste and the fact I would live my life in the bathroom was enough to keep me away. But I must say it's been 3-4wks now and it's gotten so much easier to just fill up a glass, drink it and do it again and again! The bathroom trips have leveled off, I go about the same amt of times as before I just have a lot more coming out now. lol The biggest bonus I could see this month was I'm sure it was the water that increased my CM. Normally I have 1 to 1.5 days of EWCM, this month I had about 5 days of water/EWCM. Much better than before. Oh and even better between working now and drinking my water I have lost about 10-15 lbs!!! I just love the fact that my clothes aren't as tight on me and I've gone down almost 2 sizes. I had let myself get into a size 15 (loose on me) and now I am very close to needing a 12!! I don't think I've been that size since high school. Very exciting stuff.

Did you know that the majority of people walk around in a state of dehydration! Crazy huh. But between coffee, soda and everything else people don't crab water anymore. Before the most fluid intake I ever had was 2 cups coffee daily. I hope I encourage at least 1 person to start drinking water.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Someone please turn off the spout

It has been raining here for over a week. I feel like I'm living in Seattle. I don't typically dislike the rain, but enough is enough. So I'm asking that someone please turn off the spout, and be quick about it. lol :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

DS first trip to ER

So last night I had to take DS to ER. And here's why: he had gotten a glow stick necklace from the $ store yesterday and after a fit of a tantrum he broke it and it started to leak glow stuff. We threw it away and I went about my business. I was trying to get my PJ's on when I hear "MY EYES!!!". Seems he had gotten the thing out of the trash and it had squited into his eyes. I quickly tried to flush out his eyes with water and he just keeps crying that it's burning and hurting. I tied visine but that too didn't work. I quickly called the local Urgent Care and explained to them what happened and asked what should I do and should I bring him there or to Er or what. Well after being put on hold twice they told me to go to ER. We live 15 mins away and the whole way he was a super brave champ. He calmly sat in back seat with a wet cloth over his eyes. We finally get there and he gets out and opens his eyes and in wonder say "Oh I can see". Well I figured we're here we better just make sure there was no harm done. And after 2 hrs he was pronounced fine and we were let out. Hoping that all future trips to ER are as simple and painless as this one turned out to be.


Anyones family just really drive them crazy? My mom really annoys me, always has probably always will. She says her medication makes her forgetful, I don't really care it still annoys me that I have a convo with her 1 day only to have to repeat myself (sometimes several times) the next day. I know kinda petty, but if your mother never seemed to remember anything you tell her you'd get annoyed too.

She keeps asking me about Thanksgiving. See my family lives 2hrs away and with work I haven't been down since summer. But everytime she talks to me she asks if I'm coming down or not. I have to tell her AGAIN that my schedule isn't out until this wk!! So then she asks about the wkend after, Again I have to tell her it's my wkend to work.

I am excited to see the family and hope I get Thanksgiving off. Mostly I want to see my baby niece. She's only 9mo old and she's this close to walking already! Plus I love to eat, and 1 thing my family does well is cook and EAT! But I've figured out on the calendar that IF this cycle doesn't work, I'd be Oing around Thanksgiving! And using Fresh I would have to skip this cycle. I'm almost not willing to miss out. So I'm undecided, maybe I'll place an order and lug it along to my mothers (not fun), maybe I'll make up an excuse and not even go! Guess we'll just have to see. Maybe this will just be my month and I'll finally get a BFP to stick!! A girl can dream can't she?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

So I've already warned you

that my life is sometimes crazy. My step-daughter has been in county jail for 40 days now, and she's looking at another 7 months. We get the periodic letter from her and after reading them I get so angry with her. She repeatedly states "it's not bad in here". We have hoped and prayed that she would have a "wake up" call but that doesn't look like that's going to happen any time soon. She recently stole a purse and other items from the local amusement park. She might get several felonies from her actions and yet she admits no guilt or responsiblity. Repeatedly says it's no big deal, it was only $60!!! Uggg at times me makes me sick. She has no respect for anyone or their possessions. She thinks she can just mooch off everyone she meets and that's the most she expects out of life. We have tried our best to show her work ethic, respect, but it doesn't seem to matter.

Sorry to be so negative.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Just a word of Caution

Some of you may remember when I mc I also had the misfortune of gettting a head cold 2 days later. Well guess what-I STILL have it!! And I blame it all on the stupid flu shot. Don't listen to them-DO NOT get this if you are feeling even slightly sick. I am never sick this long and yet this snot will not leave my head. I've even been taking my Vit C again and Nothing is working. My poor nose is rubbed raw and all scabbed over. I'm just plain sick of being sick. Yuck and winter hasn't even begun. :(

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Saving Money

There was a recent post on another board I visit about being low on funds and such. So I just wanted to talk about what I do to save money. I do all the usual things, but the #1 thing I do that saves our family tons is I use Coupons. Now some might laugh and only picture little old ladies that use them; but really I found this great company ( that keeps track of the coupons and monitors store sales, matches them up and tells you what is a good deal. I've been couponing for over 2 years now and I'm still addicted. The savings can be outrageous. I've even gotten free stuff before! Now you tell me where else you can get something for free these days. My cupboards and fridge are always full. We have an upright freezer that is full of goodies, meat, veggies etc. I urge all my ttc buddies to try it out. It's super easy.

Get your coupons every Sunday, clip them and save them everyweek. Get your store list and go shopping. ONLY buy what is on the list as a good deal. That's an important thing to remember-Trust the List. So you buy what is on your List, then your NEEDS at a cheaper store. For me I shop the List at Albertsons, and my needs at Walmart. And let me tell you I'm so stocked up some weeks I don't even need to shop!

So I encourage everyone, short of $ or not, it's always great to save where you can. If any one would like to try it I will send you my email and I can earn a referal from you trying it. Also any ?'s, please ask and I will try my best to explain better.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Warning: this will be a rather hodge podge kind of post. So please forgive me. Timing this month has been good with AI. I believe I'm O'ing today, so with fresh AI Friday night and Sunday night should be good. I'm positive but after last months heartache it's hard to get too excited. I just keep thinking, last month worked and I've done everything basically the same so we shall see. I'm starting prog cream tomorrow. Hoping it's strong enough to make a difference. If I get a +, then I'm hightailing my hinie into Dr's office and demanding a beta and prog test. I'm unsure if I should keep drinking my tea during tww. I've heard contradictory things about vitex, can't seem to find a good answer on if it should be taken while pg or not. See if I can't dig something up online today.

Something new today, I'm meeting a fellow blogger for coffee. I'm not the best at making new friends. I've always been on the shy side and have a hard time branching out of my comfort zone.

We found out the other day that our friends 19yr old daughter is about 2 months pg. I'm worried for her and baby since she has been going down rough road in life by doing drugs. I'm not for sure when was the last time she used or not. I hope to talk to her about "growing up" and doing what's right for this baby. I'm not too hopeful that she will be able to put this baby first in her life and start making better life decisions. I picture her dumping this baby on her grandparents and her skipping out. But who knows she might surprise us. It was also very hard to hear that she has achieved unwillingly and unknowingly what I've only been able to dream about. It's in those moments that I have my own little pity party and think how unfair life is!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

finally i see a :)

My body totally tricked me a couple of days ago. I woke up, checked my cervix and I swear it was SHOWing, but tested with OPK and -! And it's been that way every time since then, until this morning!! Yeah. Positive OPK this am at 9, will then AI tonight at around 8:30 or so. I'll officially be in the tww come monday morning. Note to self: it's been exactly 1month to the day since last AI, which was chemical pg. so here's to history repeating itself (sort of) only with a better outcome.