Saturday, January 31, 2009


So I stopped into a local credit union today. It's the same one that financed us for the plow truck my husband bought in December. Anyways, at the time of that purchase they told us they'd refinance our other truck loan at a way lower rate (5.75%). I finally made it in there today to try to do that. They can with a small "glitch". They will only refinance for what the truck is "worth" rather than the payoff amount. Luckily I tend to pay extra every month so the difference is only $900 but in these tough times I would like to keep any extra $$ we do have in my pocket for what if's. So I asked about getting a loan to pay off our credit cards and just adding the $900 to that loan. She said sure no problem she just needs to get approval from her supervisor first. So I came home to print off credit card statements for their payoffs, and that's when I realized we owe a tad more than I thought. Now I'm thinking of just paying the $900 and only financing the credit cards only because I hate to make that small loan any bigger than it needs to be. Either way both refinance loans will save us a bunch of money in interest so I'm happy. I'll let you know which way I go.

Friday, January 30, 2009

No real reason to test

When checking my cervix this am I had very light spotting. This is a typical AF sign for me. I tested anyway (which I hate) it was of course Negative. Hoping at least that the Dr does a full fertility work up this month. Not sure if I'll be able to AI in Feb or not. I'm planning on being out of town the predicted weekend of O and really not into carting the dewar with me to my families house. But we'll see.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Feeling hopeful

So the ONLY symptom I have is: bloody noses. Which is a weird symptom anyways, but after looking back at my m/c cycle I've had the bloody noses on almost the same dpo as that cycle! Weird huh. I NEVER take a pg test, ever. I prefer to wait it out rather than getting my hopes up only to see a -. Well I'm so positive about this cycle that I'm thinking about buying some. But I wouldn't test until 10dpo, which would be Thursday. I have my Dr order for blood work up if I do get a +. Get this, by most pg calanders IF I conceived then my due date would be 10/20/09, which is 1 year to the Day of my M/C! If that's so, then it's def strange how life has a way of working out.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Possible sign??

Ok I may be looking too much into this, but I'm hoping it's a positive sign. I got a blood nose on friday night, that put me at 4dpo. Well I went and looked back at my chart from my pg cycle. I'd had bloody noses during that cycle too but I couldn't remember the dpo. I was thinking it was later in my cycle, but low and behold I got bloody nose on 5 & 6 dpo! Is this a sign for me? Or the flip side is that I have a head congestion going on with lots of nose blowing. I DO tend to get bloody noses sometimes when I have a cold and have been blowing my nose a lot. But for now I'm trying to look on the + side and hoping this is it.

I've been using the prog cream. I found the individual packets at Super Supplements. I like those a lot better, that way I know I'm getting just the right amount of cream. I've stepped up to using it 3x daily.

I'm thinking by fri/sat I should hopefully have either a sign of +hpt (11/12dpo) or AF will be knocking. I'm praying the witch stays away, if she does I'll be off to hopital lab for blood work!! Followed by Dr apt that's already scheduled for Feb 2. I'll keep everyone posted.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Dr visit

Ok so I finally made it to the Doctors today. I randomly picked one out of the phone book, but at that point I really didn't care. She's a NP, but I tend to like them more than the actual MD. Anyways, she listened to all my concerns and didn't seem to bat an eye when I told her we were trying to get pg with Frozen sperm. Which was good b/c if she'd made me feel uncomfortable about that I would have had to start all over with finding a new doc. I don't do well when I don't feel comfortable with them, I simply stop going to them.

So she thinks my back problems are coming more from my tense muscles rather than my back. I agree since the pain is coming more from the right side of my back vs center. She gave me a script for muscle relaxers, hoping that helps.

As far as my head she's not sure if I'm getting allergies from something at work or if I'm just picking up every germ around. She recommended I take Claritin for a cpl of weeks to see if it helps. I took 1 tonight and we'll see how it goes.

I got her to write an order for hsg/prog test so that IF I get a +hpt next weekend I can go in for testing. So that's good, but she was kinda clueless when I mentioned that if prog low that progesterone suppositories can work. I was hoping she'd write a script but she wasn't comfortable with that. But she referred me to the OB's (Dr Penny) for "multiple m/c" and that's on Feb 2, So if I have + hpt then ob visit would be right after and if there's a problem with prog #'s I should be able to get a script then.

A whole lot of IF's I know but at least it's progress and a semi-plan.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I feel like a walking medicine cabinet

To date this is what I take daily:
200mg B6
2000mg B12
fish oil
vit E
Daily vit
From O til later progesterone cream
and now dayquil b/c I can't seem to stay healthy this winter! ugh
Oh and I apply a back cream for my aching back.

Hoping all this is working. I'm officially in the dreaded TWW.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's been forever

since I posted!! Shame on me. I have a good excuse though: ever since driving down to my mom's to pick up my son my back has been killing me! Last Monday I wanted to cry at work it hurt so bad. I work with a bunch of great people though and they knew immediately something was up with me and once I told them they helped me with my work load. I had the impossible task of finding a Good Chiropractor. I was spoiled where I lived before, I had the best one and now I compare everyone to him. I found one I'm comfortable with and he does help my back (some) but I just keeping thinking Dr. *** didn't do it that way, or Dr.*** would have my back better by now. See where I'm going with this. I almost want to try a different Dr. but then again I don't.

Also my step-daughter is Back in JAIL! She made it a whopping 3 wks before getting sent back. Now her probation will be revoked for sure, she has 5-6 months left to serve in jail for that. And now she has a Grand Theft charge!!! For what I don't know. Her probation officer is for her juvinile case and didn't have any info for the new adult charges. When I hint at this girls issues, I mean she's a compulsive liar, has no problem stealing the clothes off your back, into drugs, loves to drink till she blacks out and has mental issues to boot. She was offered counseling to deal with some of her issues but I don't believe she took it too serious. For those 3 weeks we totally did the tough love thing. It was so hard knowing she was out in the cold with basically no real place to go. But at the same time I wasn't willing to let her into our home to lie to us and rob us blind. I really don't know what to do for her at this point. She should have many more charges from her illegal activities during the summer. So she'll either learn her lesson and not want to ever go back to prison or she'll come out even worse than before!